There are few events that cause more instantaneous panic than when you realise your PC has a virus. You feel violated. With measures in place to prevent it from happening, you should never have to experience that feeling. But, do you really need to spend on Antivirus Software?

The IT and computer repair industries are so littered with jargon that you’d be  forgiven for not knowing what ‘Antivirus Software’ is, exactly.

You’ll probably be able to draw some common-sense conclusions as to what it might be or do, given the name. But, what does it mean for you and your PC’s protection? And why is it so important?

What is Antivirus Software?

Antivirus Software is a program that prevents, detects and removes viruses. The software does exactly what its name suggests: it prevents your PC from being maliciously attacked.

Once installed, Antivirus Software searches the Hard Drive (HDD) and any external media for malware or viruses. If detected, they’re swiftly quarantined and removed by the software itself.

Thus, once installed, you can pretty much kick back, relax and let the software worry about your PC’s security. Voilà!  

Do You Really Need Antivirus Software?

In a word, YES! The fact of the matter is that you definitely do need some form of software to protect your PC, Laptop or Mac from being exposed to malware and viruses. It’s absolutely critical to the upkeep of your machine, its security and digital health.

Most paid-for Antivirus Software solutions vary from about £20, right up to £700 or more. Of course, the more expensive the software is, the likelier it is to have more in-depth features & functionalities.

A medium-sized business running multiple machines in an office setting, for example, may well benefit from purchasing a more advanced Antivirus Software suite at the top-end of the market.

Which Antivirus Software Should You Select?

You might have heard of some of the big names in the Antivirus Software arena like AVG, Kaspersky and McAfee. A lot of the time, free trials of such software come pre-installed when you purchase a new PC or Laptop.

After 30-days of owning the new machine, you receive a notification telling you to purchase the software as your four-week free trial has ended. You know the drill. It’s a similar story with a lot of subscription-based software, apps and alike nowadays.

This is just one way that these massive Silicon Valley software firms make their money. Your free trial runs out, you panic that you’re PC is no longer protected, and so pay the monthly or annual ‘license fee’ for the software.

But, we at Teign Geeks have been preaching for quite some time now that, actually, for a personal-use machine at home, you don’t necessarily need to fork out anything for Antivirus Software.

There are a multitude of free Antivirus Software alternatives on the market that will provide you with all the protection your PC desperately needs.

Sound too good to be true? Let us explain.

FREE Antivirus Software Alternatives

Somewhat surprisingly, some of the best free Antivirus Software alternatives on the market today are manufactured by the big-name businesses we mentioned before. While they do offer a variety of software solutions you’ll need to pay for, they also offer free versions, too!

Here are just a few you can access and install completely free of charge, all of which will provide ample protection from viruses and malware for a personal PC:

Free options from the likes of Kaspersky, in particular, are essentially watered-down versions of their paid-for software. They’ll provide you with all of the fundamental features you need – and in many cases more than you need – to ensure your PC is protected.

NOTE: Some of these free versions will send you the odd push notification trying to promote some of their products.

Do You ALREADY Have a Virus?

We certainly don’t want to worry you. But if you don’t have any antivirus measures currently in place, there’s every chance your PC could be harbouring a nasty virus or malicious malware.

Here are some telltale signs to help you self-diagnose your machine:


Virus Removal

It’s important for us to add a bit of a disclaimer, here. Whether it’s a free or a paid-for antivirus solution, there are no guarantees that your PC will remain 100% immune.

When your antivirus can’t automatically remove an infection, or if you can’t boot into windows because of a virus, we can help to clean and re-secure your PC with our Virus Removal Service.

Speak to Teign Geeks today if you’re concerned your computer has a virus, or for more advice on choosing the best Antivirus Software solution.

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