How to Protect Your PC from Cyber Criminals

How to Protect Your PC from Cyber Criminals

It’s a subject that’s increasingly making front-page news. Often, though, the media hone-in on the big businesses and multinational corporations that are targeted by Cyber Criminals. Very little is ever mentioned about how you and I are actually also prime targets. In fact, we’re higher on the list than the Sony’s and the Talk Talk’s of this world. Sure, the big businesses are key targets for the Cyber Criminal gangs and conglomerates that operate around the world. They’re after the big fish and the big paydays. But, the average Cyber Criminal? That often quiet and unassuming guy that no one would ever suspect? He’s only interested in the small fish – you and I – to make a few quid off. That’s not to say you or I aren’t potential targets for the bigger, global Cybercrime groups. We are. But whether it’s the big guns or the nerdy unassuming hacker at home, the bottom line is we all need to protect our PC from Cyber Criminals. Virus, Spyware & Ransomware Protection Like most other crooks, Cyber Criminals are cunning. Probably more cunning than your average, ‘traditional’ criminal. Why? Because cybercrime often requires more thought, planning, intelligence and technical expertise to execute than, say, burglary. One of their most popular tactics is to use viruses, spyware and ransomware to infect vulnerable machines. Once infected they can either: A) Gain access to your personal information via your PC or, B) Take control of your PC and make on-screen demands for £500 or more to set your system free (common with ransomware attacks). The most effective way of preventing this from happening...

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